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Claudia Arana is an artist from the National University of Colombia, where she worked in the Artistic Residence Program before relocating to Japan in 2015. She earned a Master's Degree in Fashion Design from Bunka Fashion Graduate University and has been actively involved in the Master's Degree program                                                       at Bunka Gakuen University since 2018. Currently undergoing in a PhD program at Kyoto Institute of Technology, her research focuses on sustainability and explores alternative methods of designing clothes, as well as delving into fashion education for sustainable futures.


2024  Arana, C. (2024). Building Sustainable Futures through Collective Action in the Fashion Industry. In: Franco, I.B., Mehreen, S.U., Joshi, A. (eds) Gender Aspects of Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Science for Sustainable Societies. Springer, Singapore.

Find the chapter here​

2021 Conference, Women Sustainability Forum 2021 “Approaches towards sustainable fashion practices. ” 11, 2021.

2021「Rediscovering Japanese hemp culture as a design practice for sustainable fashion.」持続可能なファッションに向けたデザイン実践~日本のヘンプ物質文化の再発見. Journal of Bunka Gakuen University and Bunka Gakuen Junior Collegue 52. 文化学園大学・文化学園大学短期大学部紀要第52集(2021). March 2021.

Read the Journal here.​

2020 Publication, Chapter 15, SDG 15 Life on Land. In: Franco I., Chatterji T., Derbyshire E., Tracey J. (eds) Actioning the Global Goals for Local Impact. Science for Sustainable Societies. Springer, Singapore.

Find the Chapter here.​

2019 Arana, C. El cáñamo en Japón como una alternativa textil sostenible en la industria de la moda . Colfuturo, La Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República , pp.1-9, 2019
Find the full article here.

2019 e-foro Exceptional Women in Sustainability (eWisely) 2020

Rescatando el cáñamo en Japón como una alternativa textil sostenible en la industria de la moda. (Japanese hemp as a sustainable  alternative for the fashion Industry.)

2018「Fashion Designer’s Practices & Theories」Transboundary Fashion Seminar 5.1 文化学園大学 国際交流センター英語によるグローバル・ファッションセミナー

Details of the event here.

2018 Conference Flowers in Fashion Design, Embassy of Colombia, Tokyo, Japan.
2008 Fashion and Film, Faculty of Film and Television, National University of Colombia, Bogotá.


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